Izaberite Vrstu Plovila


Based on 39 reviews
Based on 4 reviews
Jim Stykemain
Jim Stykemain
21:46 24 Jul 24
Dom is the best!!! Great person and captain.
Mark Richards
Mark Richards
17:25 20 Jul 24
Domi was an absolute pleasure!!!! Great guy that provided us an amazing experience in Croatia and we consider him family now!!!!! Love this man!!!!! Can't say enough great things about him.......
Lloyd Greenberg
Lloyd Greenberg
11:50 20 Jul 24
100% on top of everything. Great personality and great leader.
Max Henderson
Max Henderson
20:03 12 Jul 24
Dom is an excellent skipper. Clearly very knowledgeable and helmed our boat to all the best hidden spots. Also directed us to fantastic restaurants throughout our stay. Would recommend to all.
Trond Medhus
Trond Medhus
17:29 29 Jun 24
Kevin Cook
Kevin Cook
15:35 28 Jun 24
Grady Kruse
Grady Kruse
02:59 27 Jun 24
Dom was the best captain you could ask for. He let us make the decisions and he had great connections to get us into the best restaurants. I don't think there's a better captain out there. The boat was very nice as well!
Teresa Bogensperger
Teresa Bogensperger
17:22 15 Jun 24
Domagoj ist ein sehr erfahrener, verantwortungsbewusster, geduldiger und situationselastischer Skipper. Durch sein bestehendes Netzwerk konnte er uns selbst an gut besuchten Orten immer einen der besten Plätze reservieren. Durch seine langjährige Erfahrung und seine ruhige/angenehme Art hat er uns durch eine perfekte Woche geführt. Wir würden immer wieder gerne mit ihm reisen.
Thomas Berger
Thomas Berger
08:27 15 Jun 24
We had a wonderful time with Dom. He showed us great places, was very professional and very nice. He made our holidays very easy. Thank you.
Fabijan Max Ercegović
Fabijan Max Ercegović
17:58 14 Jun 24
We had a great sailing week in Croatia with helmquest team. All best and see you next time :)
Rita Mardešić
Rita Mardešić
20:10 09 Feb 23
Super smo se proveli na jedrenju! Hvala Domagoju i cijelom Helmquest teamu na pomoći oko izbora i bukinga broda. Iznajmili smo katamaran u Splitu i bili na Šolti, Hvaru, Palmižani i Visu. Prekrasne uvale i super hrana u restoranima! Vidimo se ponovo! :)
Karlo Viđak
Karlo Viđak
13:25 08 Feb 23
Hvala Helmquest ekipi na svemu! Bookirali smo katamaran i proveli se vrhunski! Idealno proveden odmor, idemo sljedeće godine ponovo!
Koki Ivan
Koki Ivan
16:13 07 Feb 23
Idealan obiteljski odmor! Bili smo na Hvaru, Visu, Korčuli i Lastovu. Išli smo sa motornom jahtom za 6 ljudi. Skipper i hostesa su bili super. Hvala Nenadu i cijelom Helmquest teamu!
Mateo Divković
Mateo Divković
20:46 06 Feb 23
Bilo smo na jedrenju prošlo ljeto i sigurno ćemo ponovit ove godine. Išli smo sa katamaranom na Kornate i bilo je vrhunski. Hvala Domagoju i Helmquest teamu! :)
Matija Jakić
Matija Jakić
16:22 04 Feb 23
Bili smo na jedrenju prvi put prošle godine i bilo je odlično! Nenad i Domagoj su nam pomogli oko izbora i bookinga broda, a skipper je bio super. Siguno dolazimo ponovo. Hvala Helmquest ekipi još jednom!
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Sailing in Croatia

Aktivnosti uz plovidbu

Uz svako iznajmljivanje plovila sa posadom možete upotpuniti svoj odmor sa nekom od aktivnosti. Imate kompletnu fleksibilnost dodavanja novih aktivnosti na vašu odabranu turu.

Aktivnosti uz Plovidbu

Destinacije za plovidbu

Aktivnosti uz Plovidbu

Based on 39 reviews
Based on 4 reviews
Jim Stykemain
Jim Stykemain
21:46 24 Jul 24
Dom is the best!!! Great person and captain.
Mark Richards
Mark Richards
17:25 20 Jul 24
Domi was an absolute pleasure!!!! Great guy that provided us an amazing experience in Croatia and we consider him family now!!!!! Love this man!!!!! Can't say enough great things about him.......
Lloyd Greenberg
Lloyd Greenberg
11:50 20 Jul 24
100% on top of everything. Great personality and great leader.
Max Henderson
Max Henderson
20:03 12 Jul 24
Dom is an excellent skipper. Clearly very knowledgeable and helmed our boat to all the best hidden spots. Also directed us to fantastic restaurants throughout our stay. Would recommend to all.
Trond Medhus
Trond Medhus
17:29 29 Jun 24
Kevin Cook
Kevin Cook
15:35 28 Jun 24
Grady Kruse
Grady Kruse
02:59 27 Jun 24
Dom was the best captain you could ask for. He let us make the decisions and he had great connections to get us into the best restaurants. I don't think there's a better captain out there. The boat was very nice as well!
Teresa Bogensperger
Teresa Bogensperger
17:22 15 Jun 24
Domagoj ist ein sehr erfahrener, verantwortungsbewusster, geduldiger und situationselastischer Skipper. Durch sein bestehendes Netzwerk konnte er uns selbst an gut besuchten Orten immer einen der besten Plätze reservieren. Durch seine langjährige Erfahrung und seine ruhige/angenehme Art hat er uns durch eine perfekte Woche geführt. Wir würden immer wieder gerne mit ihm reisen.
Thomas Berger
Thomas Berger
08:27 15 Jun 24
We had a wonderful time with Dom. He showed us great places, was very professional and very nice. He made our holidays very easy. Thank you.
Fabijan Max Ercegović
Fabijan Max Ercegović
17:58 14 Jun 24
We had a great sailing week in Croatia with helmquest team. All best and see you next time :)
Rita Mardešić
Rita Mardešić
20:10 09 Feb 23
Super smo se proveli na jedrenju! Hvala Domagoju i cijelom Helmquest teamu na pomoći oko izbora i bukinga broda. Iznajmili smo katamaran u Splitu i bili na Šolti, Hvaru, Palmižani i Visu. Prekrasne uvale i super hrana u restoranima! Vidimo se ponovo! :)
Karlo Viđak
Karlo Viđak
13:25 08 Feb 23
Hvala Helmquest ekipi na svemu! Bookirali smo katamaran i proveli se vrhunski! Idealno proveden odmor, idemo sljedeće godine ponovo!
Koki Ivan
Koki Ivan
16:13 07 Feb 23
Idealan obiteljski odmor! Bili smo na Hvaru, Visu, Korčuli i Lastovu. Išli smo sa motornom jahtom za 6 ljudi. Skipper i hostesa su bili super. Hvala Nenadu i cijelom Helmquest teamu!
Mateo Divković
Mateo Divković
20:46 06 Feb 23
Bilo smo na jedrenju prošlo ljeto i sigurno ćemo ponovit ove godine. Išli smo sa katamaranom na Kornate i bilo je vrhunski. Hvala Domagoju i Helmquest teamu! :)
Matija Jakić
Matija Jakić
16:22 04 Feb 23
Bili smo na jedrenju prvi put prošle godine i bilo je odlično! Nenad i Domagoj su nam pomogli oko izbora i bookinga broda, a skipper je bio super. Siguno dolazimo ponovo. Hvala Helmquest ekipi još jednom!